Play Lights Connect Puzzle Game Online


"Lights Connect" is a puzzle game where players must connect all the wires from a battery to a light switch to illuminate all the lights on the grid. This game challenges player's logic and problem-solving skills as they navigate the intricacies of creating a complete circuit.

How To Play Lights Connect

You are presented with a grid that includes a battery, light switches, lights, and various wire segments.

The goal is to connect all the wires from the battery to the light switch to turn on all the lights.

Click on wire segments to rotate them and create a continuous path.

Each wire segment can connect to adjacent segments or components.

Once all lights are connected to the battery through a complete circuit, the level is completed, and all lights will turn on.

Tips & Tricks

  • Grid: The playing field consisting of cells that may contain batteries, switches, lights, and wire segments.
  • Battery: The starting point of the circuit that provides power.
  • Light Switch: The endpoint that must be connected to the battery to turn on the lights.
  • Light: The object that needs to be illuminated.
  • Wire Segment: Pieces of wire that can be rotated to form connections.
  • Circuit: A complete path from the battery through the wire segments to the light switch.
  • Rotate: The action of changing the orientation of a wire segment to connect with other segments.
  • Winning Condition: All lights on the grid must be illuminated by connecting the wires from the battery and all the lights are on.


  • Multiple levels with increasing difficulty.
  • Varied grid sizes and configurations.
  • A variety of wire segments, including straight, curved, and cross junctions.
  • Progress tracking to see how many levels have been completed.
  • A level editor to create custom puzzles and share them with others.