Eraser Game | Fun & Challenging Puzzle Game for All Ages


Eraser Game is an innovative and fun puzzle game that challenges you to use an eraser tool to reveal or correct hidden parts of images. Each level presents a partially obscured or incomplete image, and your task is to strategically erase sections to complete the image or solve the puzzle. With its engaging mechanics and diverse puzzles, Eraser Game provides endless hours of brain-teasing fun.

How To Play Eraser

Start the Game: Click the "Start" button to begin. You’ll be presented with an image that needs editing or revealing.

Use the Eraser Tool: Select the eraser tool and drag it over the areas of the image you want to erase. Your goal is to uncover hidden details or complete the picture according to the level’s objective.

Complete the Puzzle: Each level has a specific goal, such as revealing a hidden image, correcting parts of the picture, or achieving a certain look. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the puzzle.

Check Your Progress: Use the preview option (if available) to see how your erasing affects the image. Make sure you’re on the right track to meet the level’s objective.

Advance Through Levels: Successfully complete each level to advance to the next. The difficulty will increase as you progress, introducing more complex puzzles and challenges.

Earn Stars: Aim for a high score by completing levels with precision and efficiency. Earn stars based on how well you complete each puzzle.

Tips & Tricks

Be Precise: Take your time to carefully erase only the necessary parts. Precision is key to successfully completing each puzzle and achieving high scores.

Follow Clues: Look for clues or hints provided in the level to guide your erasing. These can help you understand what parts of the image need to be revealed or corrected.

Use the Undo Button: If you make a mistake, use the undo button to correct it. This feature allows you to go back and adjust your erasing actions.

Check the Goal: Always keep the level’s objective in mind. Ensure that your erasing aligns with the puzzle’s requirements to avoid unnecessary errors.

Experiment with Eraser Size: Adjust the size of the eraser tool to suit the task. A larger eraser can cover more area quickly, while a smaller one allows for more detailed work.


Creative Puzzles: Enjoy a wide variety of puzzles that challenge your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Intuitive Eraser Tool: Use a simple and responsive eraser tool to modify images and solve puzzles with ease.

Progressive Difficulty: Advance through levels with increasing complexity, offering new and exciting challenges as you go.

Clear Objectives: Each level has specific goals and hints to guide you, ensuring a clear and enjoyable puzzle-solving experience.

Undo Feature: Correct mistakes easily with the undo button, allowing you to refine your approach and improve your results.

Engaging Graphics: Delight in colorful and visually appealing graphics that make the game both fun and satisfying.

Star Ratings: Earn stars based on your performance, striving for perfection as you complete each puzzle.

Ready to put your erasing skills to the test? Dive into Eraser Game, where every puzzle offers a new challenge and every level is a chance to showcase your creativity. Start playing today and enjoy the fun of transforming incomplete images into works of art!